Application requirements: Prototype development for certification.
Problems faced: A newly formed EV company needed to collect data for lakhs of kilometres across various locations throughout the country. This involved multiple prototypes and drivers. Considering the dynamic approach of this prototype development, multiple issues made it difficult for the customer to act appropriately in the right direction.
· Collecting the data from multiple prototypes manually.
· Uploading the collected data from multiple locations and compiling it as one.
· Decoding of enormous data files to identify the actual trigger condition.
Influx Products Used ReXgen 2, K-Box/K-TC
Results: Vehicles prepared for validation must run and pass various tests prescribed by the certification agencies; these will be on a dyno or outdoor location, including challenging terrains like deserts, ghats, city highways etc. These vehicles will run lakhs of kilometres, so our ReXgen2 data logger logs the entire CAN network data from different modules or a huge DBC list during these tests. These data are very crucial for fine-tuning the vehicle before final production. The customer also uses KBox/K-TC to measure temperature data and external sensor inputs like speed pickup etc., from various locations in the vehicle. This data will be saved with the CAN data from other Electronic modules like BMS, BCU, TCU, ABS etc. The customer uses the batch processing feature to extract the required signals from the whole network data using CAN DBC files.
This entire data is stored in the Cloud using SFTP, which is not just collected or saved but is automated to be combined. The central data collection is formatted into excel reports, which are updated daily. This entire process led to a significant decrease in human intervention and increased the accuracy of plotted data and trigger identification.